Tuesday 5 January 2016


Posted By: Unknown - 20:54


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India has 15,106.7 km of land border and a coastline of 7,516.6 km. including island territories.India shares the border with the following countries:
  • Bangladesh
  • Pakistan
  • Nepal
  • China
  • Bhutan
  • Afghanistan
  • Myanmar
  • Sri Lanka
Borders are the first lines of a country’s defence, and the movement of trade across them is critical to the health of economies across the globe. Co-operation among participating States is key to this border management and security strategy, in particular on international risks such as drug trafficking, terrorism, migration, transport security and organized crime.
Security threats have dramatically evolved in the 21st century and are not confined to national boundaries any longer. New criminal networks tend to be interconnected and organized, and the lines between crime and terrorism have become blurred.
With Bangladesh what we share was an traditional issue but it is slowly changing itself in complex issue. in 2007 it was estimated that around 20 million illegal migrants were living in India; just to give the picture its more than the population of UAE, New Zealand, Switzerland, Israel,Denmark(pop. figure 2015).From 2007 these numbers would have grown. Adding twist to this issue Bangladesh never acknowledges this issue. In today’s time this issue has taken dark turn as easy passage to the terrorists and other anti-national people and groups to enter the country.
now one would think these are the things we are hearing and reading for a long time but what are the solutions.
  • One thing which can and only be done is to have a Home Ministry level talk and by talk i mean result oriented one not a 3 night 2 day trip to New Delhi or Dhaka.
  • Switching over the border management to BSF or ITBP as they have done well on the western side of the country.
  • Creating a permanent Border Barrier  as we do have few areas left. one can say that terrain is inaccessible  but those are the routes which are being used by Human traffickers . To have options invite companies for consultation basis to have their view eg; ELBIT as their Border Security Systems are tried and tested.



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